Monday, August 16, 2021


    Throughout history there was a dress rehearsal for those who will be key to this period. This includes the anti-Christ, who is the first beast. In the early days of my Christianity, I heard a lot about the anti-Christ. It was as popular as the gifts of the Spirit. But it seemed to be a conversation for a time that was far away. He will be supported by the second beast openly.

Today I think it is for this time. More than one beast is mentioned in the Book of Revelations and in Daniel. It is important to know their roles. In this current period which is pre-tribulation, we are experiencing troubles and tribulation yet still, it will not compare to that of the Great Tribulation. There are lots of secrets about the Great Tribulation that we cannot understand but we can work with what we are told to have an idea of what will happen.
We can match scripture with current events. Many things are falling in line with the prophesies in both the Old Testament and New Testament. This is why it is a dress rehearsal. It does not just happen, it is pre-planned and launched in stages. It is like Yasser Arafat’s Strategy of Stages. During a dress rehearsal much is accomplished: 
  • The devil gets to create more chaos that will push us into wanting what is coming. Every leader that falls or causes chaos adds to world chaos. 
  • The devil gets to see what humans will accept and how far he can push us to break. 
  • The devil gets to influence others to turn away from God. 
  • The devil gets to see what he has to work on to be more successful the next time. 
Here I will explain who the first beast is. 


We are told the first beast is not the devil. He is the abomination of desolation in the books of Daniel 7-9 and Matthew 24. Also, the son of perdition. As a son he follows satan. There is a lot of parallelism between Jesus the Christ and the first beast. He is the son of satan in opposition to Jesus as the Son of God. 
Image of a puppet on strings with face paint.

He is a puppet and obedient to the devil who is satan, Revelations 13:1-2. This is why he is called the son of satan. Jesus is of no reputation, was a servant, obedient to God The Father, and humble, Philippians 2:7-10. Jesus glorified The Father in Heaven, the anti-Christ will glorify evil by calling evil good and good evil. He will eventually glorify himself. 

He will use a new order and an identifying mark to protect and own his people or worshippers. When the 144,000 Jews are selected they are given a mark on the forehead. The anti-Christ will mimic this. His imitation of Jesus has led some people to suggest he may even be a person who appears to be born of a virgin who will actually be a whore. 

Most people are intrigued by his identity. His name is known by the number 666. Speculation is based on the profiling of an individual using the clues we are given. The suggestions made on the type of person he is can be to the point of ridiculous. I apologise in advance that such nonsensical ideas are being discussed. However, to bring some sanity to the issue I have to. 

At first the anti-Christ was said to be outside of the church and therefore a Jew. The basis of this supposition is anti-semitic and should not be a consideration. I dismiss it completely. At no time in the scripture does it indicate a Jewish anti-Christ. In fact the likeness of the anti-Christ and the dress rehearsals were all non-Jews. 

When Jesus accuses the Jews for being deceitful, in the translation it is the Jewish leadership. The fact that they are able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as part to the peace treaty can be because they need to be appeased for a wrong that was done. 

To accept such a thing is to condemn Christians who are also victims of the same persecution. Christians are Messianic Jews. A Christian is a follower of Christ and cannot be an anti-Christ. It is not possible. A fake Christian can be an anti-Christ. Similarly Jesus was a Jew and an anti-Christ cannot be a Jew following the same laws and teachings that Jesus did. A fake Jew can be him. It literally makes no sense. However, the characterisation of a tyrant from outside of the church, I can accept. 

The suggestion that came around the 1400s favours a deceiver within the church. I am using the church to include the Catholic Church in a loose manner. John Wycliffe 1329-1384 and Martin Luther 1483-1546, were both convinced that it was the pope. The first beast is not a religious person. It therefore cannot be the pope. 

There has been lots of speculation about his name. Currently there are a few very popular thoughts: 

Emmanuel Macron, is guilty by his name. Jesus’s name is Emmanuel meaning God is with us. Macron is French for mark as in mark of the beast. The cover of the Economist with Macron walking on water fuelled this speculation. 

Bill Gates is another individual with a lot of influence and power. He is very much involved in every thing global and is part of the driving force of economics, innovation, international bodies etc. 

Barack Obama is very much behind the scenes in this present US government. His policies with Iran in particular has raised many eyebrows along with his support for Hilary Clinton the abortion queen. This administration is reminiscent of the time of Jezebel. By the way, Hilary Clinton as a likely candidate has been discussed as the only female candidate.

Since he comes back to life, some think that Muhammed the prophet of Islam is a good candidate. He was from 570-632AD and was the last prophet for Islam. Curiously, Jesus was 32 years old when He died. Get it? 32AD and 632AD. People have criticised Muhammed for not being able to perform miracles but if he does resurrect he will be given power to perform miracles. This is a religion that has tried many times to claim both Jewish and Christian tradition and history. 

I want to suggest Elon Musk. He is proven to have capability in accumulating wealth. He is quite intriguing to millions of people. He is very private but has an opinion about a lot of things. This makes him an influencer. He is very smart and capable of giving the world solutions. Recently his popularity has increased. He has a drive to go into the heavens with his trip to the moon ambitions. 

He would have come back to life or survive a serious injury, Revelations 13:3. It is in imitation of Jesus dying and resurrecting. The criticism of Jesus was in the old adage, Doctor heal yourself. It was felt that if Jesus was God then He could save Himself. People will marvel at the fact that the anti-Christ will be able to resurrect, live among them, and perform miracles, Revelations 13:14. 

There is more that I can say but only so much could be said in one blog. I am only beginning to scratch the surface to be honest. In the dress rehearsal, the anti-Christ has lived among us. He has to be resurrected so we already know him or will know him. 

It is my belief that his time is coming very soon to be known. It is possible he is already here. Either as a resurrected being from the past but unknown to us or will be hurt and resurrected soon. I hope to be raptured at that time. It does not matter who he is really but what he does. This beast will be cast into the lake of fire when Jesus returns. 


He sounds and looks like a godly person but is the opposite. He is the son of satan in disguise. He will fully expose himself when he breaks the treaty within 3 years and 6 months. As a puppet he will reflect the spirit of satan the deceiver. He follows the lead of the devil. 

The devil usually does things and says things to mimic God. He puts his own spin on things to twist it to his purpose. Jesus is the lion from the tribe of Judah. The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Jesus gives us peace that passes all understanding, the devil is warlike and accuses us day and night in heaven. 

Jesus was a Jew but others against Jesus say He was not. This is why the first beast is called the anti to Christ, always in opposition. Since the father is the deceiver, then the son will participate and promote the deception. 

All that we know to be true will be twisted into a full narrative. Sounds diabolical? Crazy? It has been done already. Historical facts will be erased or twisted and corrupted. Similar to what Emperor Hadrian did by replacing the names of Judea and Jerusalem out of maps and documents and replacing it with Palestine. That was a very strategic dress rehearsal. 

Most people do not know this nor do they know that even with the name of Palestine it was a Jewish nation. Even when the Palestine Brigade fought in WWI it was mostly Jews. The Palestinian Orchestra was Jewish. Yasser Arafat himself said that Palestine was a made up identity. This is not promoted. Truth is not promoted. 

It is amazing to me to read the many times that God spoke against lying. God knew the lies spread by the devil would be of tantamount proportions spanning time and space. Entire narratives are created around such lies like that of the Palestinian cause. I suspect that since it is a critically important issue, it will play a part in the Great Tribulation. 

His works come in the form of anti-Christology which is both within the church and outside. It is seen in anti-semitism and anti-zionism. It is in replacement theory and in worldly concepts that take us away from God. There are a lot of movements today that achieve this. 

He will encourage the same behaviours that were encouraged during the days of Jezebel and other leaders who led people away from God: 
  • Sexual promiscuity or immorality 
  • Pursuit of strange flesh e.g. chimera, beastiality, cloning 
  • Death of children e.g. through sickness, perversion, and abortion 
  • Spiritual manipulation 
  • Worship of everything and everyone other than the true and living God 
His goal is to cause death, suffering and chaos for people who will not follow him. To achieve his goal of world domination and separation from God he will need: 
  • A system that the mark of the beast will be compatible with to identify and separate his followers 
  • A means to bring about peace to the world either through a form of godliness or by using a global religion. This is needed to counter the extremist religious leaders he created, to at least appear to bring peace in religious issues 
  • A vehicle to bring about a new way or leadership as a solution 
False teachings were described as being anti-Christ teachings and thus, it morphed into anything in opposition to Christ or was part of the demonic ‘other’. The apostle states that an anti-Christ is anyone who denies Christ: 

Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is anti-christ, that denies the Father and the Son. 1 John 2:22 

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4: 3 

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. 2 John 1:7 
It is this beast that walks into the Temple in Jerusalem and stops the sacrifices to God. He seats himself and says that the worship should be to him. He declares he is God. This is in opposition to Jesus who walks into Jerusalem on a donkey and hailed as a king. He is trampling on the people of God whose bodies are the living Temple and on the Temple set up as a system for sacrifice and atonement by God. 

The anti-Christ does not walk into any other religious building or city to make this declaration. He chooses Jerusalem because he knows Jesus will be returning to Jerusalem in the Second Coming. At that point, all Jews and saints or believers in Christ should drop whatever they are doing and run away. This is when he will openly persecute Jews and Christians for who they are. The mark will no longer be for the reason it was used before. 

The scripture is very specific about this and some detail is given, Matthew 24:15-20. The reason I think the emphasis is on immediacy, is that he has already put things in place to kill the Jews and believers. This is where the mark and the new order come in. By the 3 1/2 years both will be fully in place. 

In the Old Testament you can find the personage of the anti-Christ described in the prince of Tyrus of Ezekiel 28:2, 5, 12-16. A man of economics. He will have financial influence. He will have to show that he is capable. The social proof will be his command of finance and negotiation. 

He will be a key person involved in bringing peace to the Middle East although he is called the lawless one, 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Lawlessness is all over the world and mostly disguised as freedom. With him freedoms will be given without responsibility. 

Those who want to live a life that has accountability to Jesus will be persecuted under a law. It may not be the specific wording but it will target the believers or saints of God. This means that diversity has its limits. Belonging has its limits. Inclusion is exclusion to Jesus followers. 

Now let me point out a few things that has occurred and will occur in the Great Tribulation under this puppet: 

  • Christians are being beheaded by ISIS. 
  • Christians and Jews were killed by the Romans and later by the Roman Catholic Church. They even hired Muslim mercenaries to do it. 
  • Christians are tortured and kept down in numbers in Islamic countries. More Christians die than in any other religion in the world. 
  • Mass amounts of people have been killed by world leaders. Massacres of people are usually committed by Islamic groups in Africa, and in the Middle East. It has happened in Israel by Palestinians. 
  • Muslims and Arabs are mostly killed by Muslims and Arabs. 
I have many friends and loved ones who follow Islam. I did at one point too. I have to say that the dress rehearsal is pointing in one direction. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. The 200,000,000 army that is used to kill the Christians can be the Sunnis or it can be the Chinese army, Revelations 9:16. They will come under the leadership of the anti-Christ. But they will be under the leadership of a monster! 

I pray you can discern the truth and God reveals Jesus to you in Jesus name. I pray God keeps you safe and you can have the favour of God in your life in Jesus name. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.

Thank you Behold Israel

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