Monday, August 16, 2021


Afghanistan I am so sorry. You were sold and you were part of the dress rehearsal. In this series of blogs I am reviewing the end of time prophesies in the Book of Revelations and how it applies to today. We are all affected in one way or the other. The anti-Christ or first beast will be a world leader on the strength of this new order. His leadership will be welcomed.  
Afghanistan's Kabul airport where interpreters and those fleeing out of the country await flights.

The new order is the opposition to Jesus being ‘the way, the truth and the life.’ The Jesus way is the way to The Father in heaven. Ok I have to say it, Our Father, Elohim, Adonai, Ancient of Days, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Everlasting and Everlasting One! The true and only way is by Jesus as saviour who paid the ultimate price for our sins. The life is the gift of eternal life with God. 

The anti-Christ will glorify evil by calling evil good and good evil. This will be done through his new order. He will eventually glorify himself and this will be through the mark of the beast. He appears humble but is not. Through his deceptions he will convince the world that he has a way and that he can give them what they want. 

While I was in the United Kingdom I realised that a lot of charity was being done. I was happy to see the love for humanity. But that was short lived when someone told me that they have to do acts of kindness because God is not real and not capable of taking care of people. This is how easy it will be to convince people that this man can change the world. 

Governments in the USA, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc., are showing a lack of leadership. The situation around the globe is pushing towards a new order for a new world of change, Revelations 13:16-17. It will be in the form of a global government. Authority will be given over to the new leaders under this body. 
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Revelations 13:7 
The truth will be a lie. Satan the deceiver is the father of the first beast the anti-Christ. His deceptions already exist. They will be promoted as propaganda and blatantly spread as facts and truth. Eventually during the Great Tribulation, the truth will be exposed. 

There are many secret societies and bodies globally. But in this time the new order is openly spoken of. Additionally, the world events occurring seem to be only explained by a new way taking over. This new order can be proven in several ways: 

Global government. The new order will operate as a global government. This was already tested through international bodies and multi national corporations. The lines of international trade and policy are already laid down. The World Health Organisation operates as a global government. This was tested in 2020. 

Change of leadership. Resistance to the new way has been dealt with economically and by removing the leaders. The new mantra throughout the world starting from Barak Obama is ‘change’. Strong leaders are removed by strange deaths or illegally manipulating the political systems, for weak leaders who will follow the new order. Benjamin Netanyahu was removed and even Russia says they miss him. The enemies of Israel see the new government as weak. The new Prime Minister was put in place without a majority vote by the people. Tanzania has new leadership too. 

Germany. While we are called conspiracy theorists and ridiculed there is a conversation that is global and behind the closed doors about the new order. It is now coming out more openly. In a farewell ceremony for the German frigate, ‘Bayern’, as it launched for the South China sea, Foreign Minister Heiko Mas added that Germany must demonstrate a presence in the Indo-Pacific region as it is one of the regions where "the world order of the future will be determined". "We want to be involved and take responsibility for the management of an international order based on laws”. 

In case you did not quite catch it, the statement is supported by the German Defense Minister Angert Kramp-Kernbauer, "For our partners in the Indo - Pacific region, the reality is that the sea lanes are no longer open and secure and claims to land ownership are implemented by the Law of Power." 

China. China official newspaper reports a statement made, ‘Taiwan look at what is happening in Kabul, you are next’. China knows it has to prove land ownership by force according to the Law of Power. When Germany and the United Kingdom needed to show that they are a force of strength they had to sail a warship near China. Why? Why at this time? 

Afghanistan. The Taliban has taken over Afghanistan. The new order includes the Taliban. For more than ten years this revolt has been ongoing. NATO forces joined in and yet still the rebellion could not be put down. A rebellion that started with students. Who funded them? Who trained them and managed them? 

In 2021 they held 80% of the country. The final 20% stronghold by the Afghanistan government capitulated when the Americans left ammunitions as they snuck out of the country. Many interpreters were beheaded publicly. The new government under Taliban rule has already scrubbed out the faces of women from the walls and ordered the burka to be used. Girls as young as 12 years old are being forced into marriage. Extremism has won.

For all the international bodies that exist extremism won. For all the years they helped the Afghanis to defend themselves, it took just this extra for the Taliban to get the final victory. They could not have done it so fast without the the American help. Over all the years NATO sent in forces, had they made a greater effort they could have put down that rebellion. The Taliban needed the Americans to help them with the final victory. NATO needed to look like they were helping. NATO it seems was there to ensure it happened at the right point in time. They were a deterring factor only. 

The timing. There are many things happening simultaneously that could not have been known when John of Patmos wrote the Book of Revelations. The convergence of prophesies coming true as fast as they have been. The nations spoken of in Ezekiel 38 existing and forming alliances as indicated. The rise of Iran with a nuclear weapon and a hardline Prime Minister. 

The timing is when Israel has a fake government. USA appears to have a fake government. It has a weak leader for sure. The timing when extremism is on the rise and rights have been taken away through health concerns. Chaos is all over the world. Massive unemployment, poverty, and death globally. Fires in Greece, Italy, Turkey, Russia, Algeria simultaneously. The timing is ripe for a new order and a new leadership. 

You have to keep in mind that he is the anti to Christ. He will derive sick pleasure in seeing the people separated from God. He will satisfy that lust for flesh in pain, by killing the believers in Christ before the tribulation and the new believers of Christ during the tribulation. He will try to go after the Jews and will enjoy seeing the death of 7,000 due to the earthquake when he declares himself as God. 


The mark of the beast is a very popular topic these days. It was about barcodes at one time. Then it became a chip inserted into the human body. Today the technology exists for this to occur. In 2019-2020 Europeans had chip parties. Families got chipped and they joked that they want to be a cyborg. 

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, we are told there will be a falling out. This is already happening. Many people are being distracted. Many Christians are confused and backsliding. Many are choosing to keep their present comfort without sacrifice. They are enabling the same system that will be used to censor and persecute believers in the coming days. 

No trade or buying or selling can occur without the mark during the end of times. The mark becomes an identifier of the anti-Christ after the first 1260 days of the peace treaty. This is the peace treaty to end the pre-Tribulation war which will be an attack on Israel for ‘plunder’, Ezekiel 38. After 1260 days, he will put a stop to the sacrifices and say the people should worship him instead. 

At that point the people have to accept the mark that identifies them as his believers. Revelations 14:1 says that there is a mark for the 144,000 on their foreheads to identify them with God the Father. The 666 mark of the beast is a mockery of this which we know is the seal of God upon our lives. The seal indicates our life was already bought and paid for by Jesus who gives us freedom to live and enjoy it. He gives us abundant life. 
Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
The abundant life promised by Jesus will be imitated because the anti-Christ will take care of them. He will then appear as the benevolent God to the people. It is based on material gain and comfort. At this point of the Great Tribulation further depravation of the people who do not worship him will be justified. 

They will not be part of his system. The worship is not to the system. The worship will be to the anti-Christ using the system. This makes it easier for the actual mark to be implemented during the Great Tribulation. The mark signifies you are protected by the anti-Christ. He is taking you and branding you. 

The wrath of God is directed at the wicked people on the earth. The ones who identify with the anti-Christ. I believe this is why the second half of the 7 years will be worse than the first half. 
That they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:12 
It is probably why the believers will at that point be…’Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.’ Revelations 14:13 

The dress rehearsal is in putting the system in place and globalising it. This is where it is right now. It is disguised to break down resistance. Christians are told to resist the devil and he will flee but instead they are giving in to a global system that is part of exclusion, censorship, identification, and depravation of rights. While freedom is waved as a banner in one instance, simultaneously freedom is being pinned down by a system that denies rights to basic amenities, trade, food, education, recreation, health care, security. 

It is remarkable that almost 2,000 years ago, a man prophesied that it will be on the left hand side or on the forehead.  I can see this happening already. The tester or forerunner for this is being used globally. It is only the dress rehearsal at this time. Of course! Did you think it would come about blatantly and openly? Did you think the powers that be would openly say this is the mark of the beast? No! That will happen but in the Great Tribulation period. 

To be clear, the people who are raptured will not have this problem. In Revelations 13, two things must happen to turn the system into this mark: 
  • The devil will be kicked out of heaven with his angels, this can happen anytime but is one of the indicators used 
  • The sacrifices in the Temple Mount are stopped 
The younger generations are being prepared to accept it without resistance. It is being legalised by using an agenda that appears to be in the best interest of the people. Those participating are enablers while the resisting people are being censored for when the Great Tribulation starts. They will persecute them then. 

The dependence on the internet to stay connected is a driver for the new order and new global system. The new blockchain technology fits in neatly with digital identity. The mark of the beast is needed to keep track of the people. God never wanted the people to be numbered. God is all knowing and all present. The mark is needed by the devil to keep track of everyone. 

I pray you are saved in Jesus name. I pull down every demonic stronghold in your life keeping you from God in Jesus name. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.

Thank you Behold Israel

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