From the very beginning God set up specific orders in the spiritual and natural realms. In the days of the Nephilim one of those orders were broken. However it goes further than this. In the garden of Eden the devil tempted Eve to break that order set by God when he told her to eat the fruit to be like God.
Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5
The new order has been in the making from the beginning and it has been like a jihad, a constant effort. It has taken different forms but it is all about changing the order or the way we are supposed to live. The order in which God runs His kingdom on earth. God's governance over His people.
It sets up the earth to be run. But for mankind His laws are used to set up the order of how he wants us to manage our relationship with Him and each other. The New World Order is about contradicting this and changing God's role as our God in Heaven. The new order is already in place. It is growing in strength and influence.
Already governments are speaking of it openly and world events are happening making space for its official establishment. At this point in history, the order as a group of people or bodies of influencers, wealth, and leaders, has been in place but not as an official new order.
They have manipulated and worked under the names of other world bodies, government offices and companies. They create panic and chaos while appearing as rational, and benevolent or philanthropical. It is at this point that we are being pushed into a situation to accept the new order.
They want us to want it. We are seduced into needing it. There are many scholars throughout the ages who have criticised the Catholic Church for being an instrument of the new order. The papacy has declared itself to represent Christians and have made integral changes to the message of Christ in their teachings.
To be clear, it is not a new order, it has been behind the scenes for some time. It is now coming into the open conversation and decision making processes. Nations are vying and competing for position of supremacy within the new order, 'of the future'. It is referred to as the Post-American World or Post-American Order. This is because the USA is no longer seen as a super-power but as a paper tiger.
When God created the universe He set in motion everything within the universe that is seen and unseen. How every aspect of the universe relates to each other and to Him. It is in heaven then it is set on earth. The spiritual affecting the physical.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10
Witches and warlocks, shamans and sorcerers understand this and are able to use this understanding to do supernatural things. The world's new order is to use the physical world to defy the spiritual. This is sin. The devil wants to use mankind to change the order.
The fallen angels indicate that the devil already caused defiance in the heavenly. He has moved his plot against God to the earthly realm because we are made in the image and likeness of God. It is not about humans having rights and freedoms for him, it is about destroying the earthly kingdom and worshippers of the Son of God, Jesus. The devil is a bit jealous of Jesus I think.
The devil knows that he has limits. He knows that he cannot change the order that God sets up to run all of His domains and Kingdom. His aim is to separate man from God and destroy life. He knows that hell was not made for mankind and that God loves mankind.
In order to spite God he is trying to cause pain, misery, defiance to God on the earth to force God to condemn his created beings to hell, to hurt God. When Adam and Eve ate that fruit the sin was so impacting that thousands of years later we are being affected by it. Adam being the first Adam had dominion on the earth. Physical death and spiritual death came to us.
To counter the sin committed by Adam and Eve, God had to send His Son Jesus, the second Adam to bring a new way or a new order. This is the New Testament which sets the standards for us to live by, from the birth of Christ to now until the end of time. The second Adam gave eternal life as a gift. This way we have a chance at life in the spiritual.
Now I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 1 Corinthians 15:50
Even in this verse the apostle makes a declaration. The wrong order can be made right through Jesus. Yet still, Jesus teaches us that the order cannot be changed until it is fulfilled.
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Matthew 5:17-18
Jesus is the fulfilment of many prophecies as He reminded the Rabbinical Jews many times. He was then in a position to bring the new declarations and decrees on the earth. Jesus as God on earth not only established ordinances He made it known to all. John's writing of the prophecies relevant to the future shows the limits of the devil. Although Jesus spoke of end of times in Matthew 24, the devil still did not quite understand it.
He did not know what was going to come, John the Revelator did. John had Jesus's testimony in his life and had revelations to operate as a prophet. Similarly the two witnesses of the The Great Tribulation, Revelations 19:10.
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12
John the Baptist was a voice crying out in the wilderness. He was the trumpet making space in the world and the atmosphere for the message of Christ. Christians are one of the two trumpets of God. The trumpets announce and when blown, they make space in the atmosphere for the decree or warning that is being announced.
The Jews as the first trumpet did the same thing. They did not have Jesus, they had the laws to repeat and speak into the world and publish. They demonstrated the relationship they had with God by keeping His laws. By breaking the laws they sin. Sin separates man from God.
Jesus comes on earth to establish a way for man to reconcile with God. The second trumpet is a continuation of the first trumpet. Another reason why the devil distracts us and deceives us. He does not want us to know that we have authority in Christ to make declarations and decrees. But in all things God must be at the centre. It is God's will be done.
Through Jesus's Lordship over his life, John wrote the Book of Revelations. It is the only prophetic book of the New Testament. Prior to this the devil did not understood the end of time was the end of him. As a prophet, declarations would be published or made known to man. This is what the prophets of old did and what John was doing.
Comparing John to Daniel another great prophet. Daniel received the prophetic dreams from God. I understand Daniel's dilemma. I often dream prophetic and it took me years in seeking God to finally understand the dreams. In Daniel 9, the angel had to bring the revelation and Daniel had to publish it. John had access to revelation in heaven.
Daniel had the spirit of prophecy and was given the privilege of the revelation. God knew him due to relationship with him. The decrees brought to Daniel was in response to what the Jews did or did not do. It was not a new order. The Great Tribulation was caused by their ignorance and disobedience. God saw this and wanted to make a way for people to get out of the trap that was set since the time of Adam and Eve.
God would always say why a judgement is passed. The principle of how the spiritual and physical realms operate indicate that the decrees have to be made on the earth and published to warn or inform everyone. But they are not new orders they are the fulfilment of the previous decrees made. As a just judge God ensures that we are told of the decrees, and of the consequences. But in His mercy He sends us advance notice and gives us time.
In sending us notice through the prophets who are able to tap into the relationship with God and access the spiritual, we have revelations and understandings. God is bending backwards to help us find our way to Him. Jesus shows us the way. The prophets like Daniel and John the Revelator are classic examples of this.
Even in that parallel dimension of time when John the Revelator is in the future, the devil is kicked out. He was denied access to the future that John was privy to. He had to wait for John to publish it to know it. Yet, he pursued after John knowing that once it is published it is set and decreed on the earth.
It was decreed in the heavenly and spiritual realm. The trumpets were used to make the decrees in the heavenly for the judgements to fall on the earth. See Revelations 8-10. Only when the seals are broken in the future do we know what will happen.
It will be done in the future but John was used as a conduit to announce it in his time and set it for the the future for that time. Wow! This is why John was forbidden to write what the seven trumpets said in Revelations 10:3-4.
This is why the disciples died horrible deaths, the devil wanted to stop the decrees. Quench the authority given to us by stopping them. God is at the centre in the relationship between the spiritual and the physical. In the fulfilment of all prophecies we can see God's ultimate plan. His true heart is shown.
God really does not want to be separate from us. In the very end, there is no sea and no division between the heavens and the earth.
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. Revelations 21:3
Through lies and deceptions the devil drives a wedge between us and God. He knows that God's will is fulfilled and how it all unfolds now. Don't be like Eve thinking that you can be like God and change the order. Even if you change the order using man's ways, God's word is already set to be fulfilled. In the very last verse in the Bible it says:
But nothing unclean will ever enter it, nor anyone who practices an abomination or a lie, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.: Revelations 21:27
You are not God to write your name in the Book of Life. No one but God Himself is capable of opening or writing in this book. With this final verse God continues to condemn lying and deception. Don't be fooled into thinking there are reasons to lie and deceive.
I pray God blesses you with revelation and that your relationship with Him grows from strength to strength. I pray you understand and enjoy the authority you have in Christ. There is so much to pray about.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.
Thank you Behold Israel
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