The second beast will market and campaign for the first beast. His strategy will be based on the anti-Christ being seen as the man of solutions for the problems of the world. Here I have to pause for a chuckle. There are many people who do not believe in God. But they blame God for everything and will even sign insurance contracts that state, ‘acts of God’. What do you think about that?
Floods in Belgium, Netherlands and Germany, July 2021 |
Since Jesus, 2,000 years ago much has been unfolding and revelations are coming through relationship with God to the Gentiles. As with the prophets of old like Jeremiah and Daniel. God is still who He is. He has not changed. He is still giving revelations of what is ahead. He is still speaking to His children. This second beast is the false prophet.
Much has been fulfilled and there is an urgency in the speed at which the prophecies are being fulfilled. For different reasons modern man has not understood or denies that they are part of the fulfilment of the end of times prophecies already. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, Revelations 19:10b. With this spirit I am now writing on the second and third beasts.
Religion has been and continues to be the reason for many wars and death. It will play a key role in setting up the new order. In this post-American world there will be a religion for all. The second beast will be known as a prophet. This will be a mimicry of the prophets of God.
The imitation of the prophet
God used judges whom He would ordain to rule and lead the people of Israel. However, the people wanted a king. This can be seen from the time of Gideon. The role of the judge included waging war and leading, influencing the people to return to God, Hebrews 11:32-34.
The people wanted a king like the other nations. Prophet Samuel anointed Saul to be king. This was the first King of Israel as a confederacy. It is a confederate that the new order will seek to create. One united Kingdom under the anti-Christ.
His job description will be to:
- support and market the first beast as a saviour of the world. At first he will not say it openly, but he will create the brand personality of a saviour.
- in giving support he will cleanse the world of any resistance to the first beast. This will be under a disguise of a cause, movement or protection against a threat.
- he will distract some attention from the first beast so the first beast will be able to achieve what he needs to, without hindrance.
God did and continues to maintain this role of the prophet to now. It is the church who do not accept the prophets to lead us. However, Jesus is anointed as High Priest after the order of Melchizedek. As followers we too have this anointing.
I will not get into much more on this point except to say that the relationship between the three beasts are in imitation to how the dynamics work between the trinity and that of the trinity with us. What is important is to understand that it will be one Kingdom to be established by the three beasts.
Strategy of separation
The separation of roles will be seen between prophet and anti-Christ similar to how the dynamic worked between the prophet and the king of Israel. However, instead of leading the people to a right relationship with God, he will lead them to the worship of the anti-Christ. This was a type of charisma or spiritual ability. The prophet beast will have this type of power.
He will perform miracles like the first beast and speak of solutions. This will be his social proof. In the old days prophets were the voice of God. It is to divert attention strategically. People can be suspicious of the religious beast and welcome the first beast. The beasts will show the separation of the order as a balance from one to the other.
A mockery of justice. One to serve the spiritual and one to serve the physical. But truly there is no balance. It just appears to be this way. It is to reach out to different markets. One to the practical and worldly mass of people and the other to those who want to maintain a form of godliness.
On this point it is important to understand that while the people claiming to be Christians today have a problem with using the gifts of the Spirit, they will accept the beasts performing miracles. Every time pastors or prophets rise up among us we pull them down.
We look for ways to disprove them and ill-speak them. We quench the work of The Holy Spirit and give the devil leeway to gain ground among us and weaken our understanding of our authority and resistance to the new order.
Candidacy and shifting power
Since this beast is for religion, the pope has been singled out by speculators or scholars for hundreds of years as this particular beast. This is based on his influence in politics and religion. However, I think the Ayatollah of Iran, Ali Khamenei might be that person.
Power and influence has shifted. The rise of the Islamic Republic of Iran is occurring concurrently with a dying Catholic Church. Also, the beast has to look friendly and build trust. No better way than to be benevolent and to give the Jews the Temple Mount by sacrificing the Al Aqsa Mosque. This will be another strategy.
There are similarities between historical events and what is prophesied in the Book of Revelations. It is very uncanny. The second revolt of the Jews occurred during Emperor Hadrian's reign, 132-135 CE. It was led by Shimon Bar-Kokhba. He was for some like a Messiah. The kind they always expected fierce and cunning in battle:
- That revolt lasted 3 1/2 years - 1260 days
- It was about the religion specifically about the Temple and circumcision - The anti-Christ demands worship
- Hadrian told them they could rebuild the Temple in 118 CE but went back on his word - The anti-Christ stops the sacrifices
- 580,000 Jews were estimated to have been killed. For 6 days the bodies were left in the open and prevented from burial - They leave the two witnesses' bodies out in the open for 3 1/2 days
- The Sixth Ferrata was the legion that was called into Jerusalem - reminiscent of the mark 666
- There were 12 army legions to defeat Judea - reminder of the mark 666
- Julius Severus was brought in as one of Hadrian's best generals from Britain. He starved the Jews in their fortresses until they got so weak they could not fight - without the mark of the beast you cannot access food etc.
The tricky thing about Hadrian is that he was Pontifex Maximus. He was both king and religious leader. Besides this his body was burnt. At least that is the claim. I would like to suggest that one like Hadrian will be the prophet beast. Or that the situation would be like that during Hadrian's reign.
Manipulating religion
Despite who the beast prophet is, the idea is to create a mockery of the Temple Mount. To defile God's Temple has always been part of history. It was done before. To do this the Temple has to be built. Only Jews can do that. They will be used to accomplish this.
No one religion will be supreme. This will be a welcome relief to some people who are currently oppressed by extreme governments led by religious heads e.g. Iran. It will be short lived. But you can see why extremism exists. I say this because despite all efforts to curb it and all freedoms given to so many, it grows even in the free world.
Protests against Iran's growing influence in Lebanon, August 2021 |
It is widely known and already proven that while education has been given to more people, extremism grows. Additionally, when everyone thought social media will give more freedom of expression, censorship increased. People will want a respite or break from the violence, death and tragedy. This is the purpose of extremism. It is already a coordinated effort. While the world is distracted by the situation in Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban, the Iranian Supreme Leader is pushing towards 90% enrichment for a nuclear weapon.
They will say that too many people are dying because of religion. Of course the most persecuted religion is the Christians. It's not even the Muslims or Arabs despite all the violence we see on news and social media. By killing Christians they will have a sick valid means to present an argument for one religion.
The concept will be and actually already is promoted, as all gods are the same, just manifesting differently. To accomplish this the role of Jesus as saviour will be deleted from the Bible. The identification of the chosen people being the Jews will be removed. People will be ushered into multi-religious facilities even like the one in Dubai.
The new Other
The new other will be those who do not follow the new order and the believers of Jesus. When a decision is made to put the 666 mark the individual becomes one of the chosen of the new order. This way the chosen will no longer be the Jews. This is an important issue in the Middle East. Leaders to this day still speak of it in national speeches. This will occur after:
- 1260 days of the treaty
- the devil looses access to heaven
- the devil looses war in heaven
- angels following the devil is kicked out with the devil
Resistance will be in this group, the other, and they will be slaughtered and persecuted to stop any form of free thinking. Freedom will be perceived as the right to do wrong and the right to call the wrong the alternative truth. Actually it already is that way. Do you understand that the atmosphere of evil increases during the 7 years?
At first anyone not following the new order system will be seen as a hindrance. They will be wiped out. After the first 1259 days of the treaty, the lies will be fully exposed. Nothing will be as it seems. I take every opportunity to tell you be ready to disappear before this.
When the first beast demands the identification mark on your hand or forehead run in a different direction from him. Don't wait. A lot of people will be deluded. You will doubt your own sanity.
This is what the Lord GOD says: On that day, thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will devise an evil plan. Ezekiel 38:10
Let me put this verse in context. Ezekiel 38 is the point we are in history and prophecy. This is stated in this chapter. It comes when there are many speculations and conspiracy theories about mind control and broadband communication technologies being used by huge corporations globally. I am paying attention. Perhaps you should too.
Comments of hate and disgust are being openly expressed and allowed on social media. People are actually posting on social media that facilities and necessities should be withheld from the un-vax'ed. As Christians we should be verbally making declarations of the word of God against this.
With the dress rehearsal of the new system for the mark, a new ‘other’ is being created with the un-vax’ed. They are being identified and censored. They are being excluded out of business, schools and churches.
Lawsuits are being fought in the USA for these reasons. The Children's Health Defense of Canada is an example of a group putting together a legal case for students being denied education in the colleges.
Here is a call for the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. Revelations 14:12
Even during the Great Tribulation God is mindful of what the saints are going through. Can you imagine what the 144,000 witnesses will have to face while they walk the earth? When they see the torment and hardship they will feel that burden too. God who sees everything will have this burden. God's mercy is present always in different ways.
Weak leadership
Weak leadership is already being seen. It will deny you the support you need, in order to be as an individual. You will feel pressured into joining to survive. The mental strength of a person will determine survival. Do you see that peer pressure on any particular issue today as a dress rehearsal?
In order for Ezekiel's pre-Tribulation war to occur there has to be a weak Israel and a weak USA. Russia has already announced that they do not have a relationship with Israel's new government. They have taken sides against Israel and have acted against Israel. Under the previous Prime Minister, this did not happen. Iran has been increasingly defiant of USA because it sees USA as weak.
America is seen as weak |
The church is weak. Already the church is emptying of Jesus. There are a lot of false teachers and false teachings taking over. The church is divided by issues of distractions e.g. the current global health situation, politics, and replacement theology. The church has forgotten to resist the devil. A falling away, is occurring and converts are decreasing. Some countries outlaw conversion and prospecting e.g. China
The order of tolerance
A further weakening is in the tolerance being promoted. Religious tolerance is different to religious acceptance. This is a concept that has ancient roots. It is well known that Cyrus the Great of Persia which included Iran (500s BCE) was known for this. Rome followed a similar pattern.
Worship of other gods could be done but only with the assimilation of their gods and practises. This is why Israel continued to revolt against Rome. Assimilation could not be achieved by Rome. I am awe struck at Father God that He is warning us that this is going to be repeated. This is why the past has been dress rehearsals for the future. Also, the reason why a plan of salvation was put into action from the time of Eve and Adam sinning.
Communication during the Great Tribulation
Command over the internet and media and social media platforms will be given to this beast. Can you believe the internet is in the Bible?
He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. Revelations 13:15
Let us imagine that I am wrong. Maybe it is the giant that is traveling as a mall to different countries that will speak. Or, it could be a carved sculpture. The point is that people are already accustomed to seeing images speak and the prophet beast will be able to use supernatural powers. Despite having internet today, during the Great Tribulation there will be so much destruction that the internet will be affected.
We should think about the growing supernatural power that will cause the image to speak. By keeping Jesus at your centre you have to understand how to tap into God's supernatural power. Activate your authority with understanding that you are above all that the enemy does:
far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. Ephesians 1:21
When Jesus comes the second time which is at the end of the seven year period this beast is immediately cast into the lake of fire. He is not even a bother for Jesus to contend with. It is the humans who allow this beast to gain power by not exercising their own spiritual power. They are too distracting fight the church and God and each other.
I pray you have wisdom and The Holy Spirit is your teacher in Jesus name. I pray for the salvation of your family in Jesus name.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.
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