There are a few lessons to be learnt from the Medes. It is a treat for me. Discovering new things make me like an addict especially when it proves the Bible 😂😂. In other words I feel high like a kite on a windy day or an addict on drugs. In the first part of investigation into the Medes, an ancient people, I wrote on the favour of God. In this blog I write about forming the wrong alliances and placing trust in a man.
To demonstrate this vital lesson I have to get into more details of the history of the Medes. In the Old Testament they formed a diabolical partnership with Persia. In the first blog I established that Media was a separate nation to the Medes. But were eventually absorbed into the Medo-Persian Empire. This is particularly important in discussing who Darius II was according to Daniel's account. The Medes of the Old Testament and of the New Testament were in two different situations.
Later on the Medes seem to have been swallowed up both in history and geographically by the Persians. Why? I believe that this was their punishment which I discuss in part III of this series. According to history it was Cyrus who united the Medes and Persians. But the Persians became more dominant. At least this is how the story is told.
During the time of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the Medes were a force to deal with. They were one of the four empires at the time. When Nebonidus took over Babylon in 562 BC, he allied himself with a small vassal of Persia ruled by Cyrus. This was to counter the strength of the Medes. But Cyrus was related to the royal family of the Medes.
There was a revolt against the King of the Medes, Astyages. Some people preferred Cyrus. Cyrus took over defeating Astyages in 550 BC. This was an indicator of the subtle manipulations that became known as a trademark of Persia. Even today, Iran originally from the Persian empire, is known for destabilising the Middle East. It is similar to the tradition of younger siblings trying to usurp the older brother from the throne, which is also, a Persian trait. Changing
God's order of succession.
Cyrus maintained the alliance of the two nations by assigning high authority positions to people from both Persia and Medes. According to the Cyrus Cylinder (an artefact discovered), Cyrus The Great, was known to free the slaves and to restore temples. However, this was a strategy that won him the loyalty of the masses. It helped him to be victorious in Babylon. Cyrus did return some of the exiles as recorded in Ezra 1:1, 3:1-8, but not all. The work on the Temple did start but Cyrus betrayed the Jews. This again show manipulations and deceit. But it shows that God was working it out for His good.
He was hailed as the one to start human rights by freeing the people from slavery and establishing religious freedoms. However, by hiring counsellors to oppose the rebuilding of the Temple in the Persian courts, he undermined the efforts of the Jews.
And hired counsellors against them, to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia. Ezra 4:5
Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia. Ezra 4:24
Prophet Ezra gives details of the letter sent to the King by the counsellors. It gave false witness against the Jews. The Medes were not listed as the false witnesses in Ezra 4. This is important I think. God hates lying.
Let us entertain the idea that Cyrus did not do this himself or was innocent of it. The result is the same as he did give in to the counsellors and stopped the rebuilding process. The glory of God was waiting to re-enter the Temple. I don't think God was pleased with this as the delay took about 15 years.
Then Cyrus died in 530 BC. His heir Cambyses II took over. Both Herodotus and Strabo agreed that he had
no regard for religion that was foreign to him (Shea, pg.238). According to Shea it makes sense that the Jewish Temple could not be completed during his eight year kingship. Cambyses II captured Egypt. The plot thickens as for two months someone took over the throne. The person claimed to be a brother of Cambyses II. But that brother was supposed to be dead. Crazy right? But Cambyses II died and it was said he committed suicide in 522 BC. The strangest thing I think. After the victory of taking over Egypt to not want to fight for one's own throne.
After two months Darius the cousin of Cambyses II killed the impostor and took the throne. According to Daniel, Darius was a Mede. Daniel 11:1, 'Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him'. Cyrus was thought to be a Mede too. But Cyrus was initially ruling in Persia and was either by descent or marriage related to the Medes. This was why there was an alliance and not a take over. It was because of Cyrus or his wife that the nations were kept separate throughout.
Once Cyrus and his direct lineage was out of the way, the two nations became intertwined as one. Another point to note is that I have seen a Bible translation of Daniel referring to Darius as a Median King. But that would be wrong if the original writings said Mede. In Hebrew it is 'madaya' from the word 'madaah' meaning 'middle land'. This would be the Medes as they were between two rivers. Media is past the Mesopotamian Mountains.
Perhaps Darius II was the true lineage of Astyages or as we can assume Xerxes. If Astyages and Ahasuerus are the same then Darius could truly have been of the lineage of the King of the Medes rightfully taking his place. Darius II was Cambyses's cousin but there is no record of which cousin. Most likely it would be the son of Astyages taking back the throne. Again this is where God intervenes. This is where I have a different view of how the history is told.
‘And Darius the Mede received the kingdom …’ (Daniel 5:31)
‘… Darius the son of Ahasuerus, by birth a Mede, who became king over the realm of the Chaldeans …’ (Daniel 9:1)
‘… Darius the Mede …’ (Daniel 11:1)
While the academics argue over the accuracy of Daniel the lesson here is to be careful with who one gets into bed with. An alliance with an enemy with an understanding of trust in a man will not last. The Medes were one of the four strongest nations at the time. The Medes based their trust on Cyrus and on their own strength.
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7
Cyrus appears to be very cunning and manipulative. His tactics seem to be very similar to modern day strategies. I am beginning to think that Cyrus was not very much a Mede, he has more traits as a Persian. Perhaps he was related to the Medes by marriage and not birth. His character has been made to look good over the years. This has affected the true history of the Medes. Lying leads to more lying and more sins. That is a lesson by itself. If I were to look further to why there was an alliance I would need to write another blog (hint).
The Medes underestimated the Persians or Cyrus. They got comfortable and forgot that the heart of man is fickle. A man can change his mind and another man succeeding him can have a different direction. The absorption and disappearance of the Medes can then appear as a punishment by God. They were already great as a nation, they should have trusted God not man.
I pray that you are wise in this time and in the season of your life. That you seek God's guidance through The Holy Spirit and do not cause curses and judgements to fall on you and your family. I pray that every generational and exponential curse over you be broken in Jesus name. I pray you can let go of the past, forgive and look to the future in Jesus name.
If you don't have Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you should pray the following prayer and attend a Bible believing full gospel church near you.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.
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