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Spending time with God is seeking His presence. In His presence our posture is key. Our posture is our attitude. It starts with 'And I looked' (Ezekiel 1:4). Seeking is an act. We will find Him when our attitude is right. We must have an attitude of reverence.
We have to want to find Him. This is another step to reverencing God. God looked for Adam and Eve, now we have to look for Him daily. It is very humbling but necessary to show reverence to God. We have to accept that we are only human and have a nature to sin. But we must seek His face and the knowledge of His grace daily.
Reverencing God is the fear of God. The fear of God is pure (Proverbs 19:9). To the carnal or worldly mind, fear is a negative emotion. But to the Christian it is fear in reverence of God. We don’t ask for things now we seek His face and touch His grace. His grace is sufficient and it is His presence with us. Having awe in knowing He is all powerful and worthy of everything. Let everything that has breath praise The Lord! He is worthy of it all.
The fear of The Lord is multiplication and abundance. We have longer and better quality life and we have wisdom and knowledge.
The fear of the LORD prolongs days, But the years of the wicked will be shortened. Proverbs 10:27
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
Knowing who God is strengthens me. I am sure of who He is and who I am. I am His people. Like a father's relationship to a child. The father tends to be stern, loving and solid. A child is sure of a father's protection.
I am made strong in His presence. Being in His presence, I become more aware of how I fit into that space, that I occupy on earth. There is no doubting when I stay in His presence. I am complete and whole. But, I have always wondered what it would be like when Jesus returns. Can I love God for eternity or stay focused on Him always?
Being the researcher I am, I looked at people who did spend time with Him. In the Book of Revelations I saw that everybody falls down. They bow down or lie down and they declare who He is. This is worship. Submitting myself to God acknowledging who He is to me. Wow! That is not difficult for me. But they are positioned in heaven already.
What about those on earth? There are men and women of God who often speak of being still and waiting on Him. Waiting, not always asking for something. For me this is the hardest part. Not the asking part. I don't spend a lot of time asking for things. But I do spend a lot of time praising and worshipping Him. Sitting still is what I believe I have to work on (sigh).
When I tried to push myself to sit still for longer periods, I ended up asking this, Do I really love you Lord? Then it started to unfold for me. For a relationship to work, one must want to spend time with the other person. This is how I can know if I really love God. The answer echoed in my heart, 'YES!!!'. God responded to me, He said, we will work on it, and if I burst out in praise and worship, I just have to stay focused on Him.
A prophetess once told me to focus on His throne. I try to picture it as described in Revelations. This has been very helpful to me. Also, the prophet Ezekiel describes an amazing thing. The four creatures and the four wheels. Trying to figure that out keeps me quiet (hahaha).
Do you think you can stand in front of God without His help? When Ezekiel saw God, he fell down. He could not stand up.
And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee. And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me. Ezekiel 2:1-2
When I saw the face of Jesus, I blushed and looked down. I saw me, through His eyes. I had to own up to, or face who I was. That was a very humbling and beautiful experience, like a meet cue in a movie. I had to train myself to look at Him in the face. It was a reality check for me.
Prophet Tomi said that when you look on Him, you begin to look like Him. We are supposed to be in His image. We honour and worship by reflecting His image. Emulation is the highest form of praise. The relationship is both ways. How He sees us and how we see Him.
God has no equal. We have to keep this as our reality or focus. Teach ourselves to reverence Him by aligning with Him. I have to make sure that what He sees in me is pleasing to Him. By living in His presence, I have to see things through his eyes. This is different to spending some time with Him or just praying.
By tithing our time we build a relationship with God. Maybe this is not for everyone. Maybe some people can only spend one hour. But Christianity is based on a personal relationship with God. God visited Adam and Eve everyday to commune with them. This is living in His presence not just being in His presence. It was a committment.
I have learnt that the more time I spend with God the more things work out. All things work together for a good for them who are called to His purpose and love The Lord (Romans 8:28). Our purpose is why we were created. His will must be our will. His purpose is our purpose. This way we reflect Him in us.
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I pray your posture is right for God to use you mightily in Jesus name.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you Father.
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