Monday, January 17, 2022


    I thought I should share on how I spend a typical day when fasting. On a normal day I will start with prayer and communion. When fasting, I continue this routine and have breakfast before 6 a.m. At 6 a.m. I pray again but this time I commit the fast and the reason for it to God.

Here is a simple step by step of that 6 a.m. prayer:

  1. As with a business meeting, acknowledge the main guest, God. This is your praise and worship time. 
  2. Ask God to forgive any sin, known or unknown, and confess them as they come to mind. Sometimes it is not an actual sin but a vanity e.g. I'm sorry that I was worrying about my job or that I took credit for something and did not give you the glory.
  3. Removing obstacles in the way is important. Bind every demonic spirit or stronghold of the devil seeking to cause you harm and to keep you from fasting in Jesus name e.g., Every principality and dominions of darkness over my nation working against me is bound by the blood of Jesus and removed in Jesus name.
  4. Ask God for protection during the fast; the mind, emotions, and physical body. 
  5. Tell Him why you are fasting. Explain it and pray the way God sees it e.g. Father I was held back for promotion but promotion comes from you. Please judge the situation and if I am in the wrong and didn’t represent you at work I repent. My boss is not a believer I pray you reveal your son Jesus to him...
  6. Waiting on Him is key. He will start to open and expand the issue. He will help you to dissect it and explore the situation. Pray about it as He starts to show you these things. It is like a surgical operation. What He shows you is to either thank Him for it and receive it, or to remove it in the name of Jesus. (In all things we seek to pray that God's will be done).
  7. Thank Him in advance for the answer and making Himself available to you. 
  8. Any other issues that The Holy Spirit brings to mind, pray about it.

During the day I would purposefully engage myself in the following:

  • Pray at least three times a day. Daniel did this on a normal day and was favoured.
  • Listen to praise and worship and participate in it. It is not entertainment. Isaiah 61:1-3 says it is a garment to wear. It is a tool to help praise and worship. It can help to change an atmosphere in a difficult situation. Sometimes I just sing. If you hear someone shouting Hallelujah from the street it could be me 🤪. Acts 16:25-26 is proof that praise and worship removes us from prison or bondage. 
  • Listen to sermons and read the Bible. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. To build my faith in God I keep reading His words. I think about the meaning of what I read and how it applies to me and the world today. I meditate on God's word. Philippians 4:8 says, 
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
  • Seek opportunities. Yesterday I got in touch with two people recovering from illness. Create moments to reach others for Jesus.
  • When opportunity presents itself, speak God's word to others and quote a verse. Incorporate God in any conversation by saying praise God or testify to the other person(s). Or encourage someone in Christ. Today I had a visitor and prayed with her. 
  • Try to include praying for others. Prayer meetings can be set up with others. Or, you can pray for people whom you know.

But I don’t just do these things, I do it in God’s presence. Remember it is to build relationship with God and to position myself for Him to answer (Isaiah 58).

Fasting starts spiritual dynamics. Firstly, It takes you from the physical into the spiritual. God likes it and responds to it. Secondly, expect obstacles or push back from the devil. Usually on the first day I get an indication of the kind of obstacles I will face. Once I address it in prayer I have the victory for the rest of the days in fasting. 

At the end of the day at 6 p.m. I take communion again. This can be done with a group online or in person if you prefer. I ask God if the fast was acceptable and thank Him for keeping me and accepting it. After blessing God and thanking Him for the answer to my fast in advance I have some water (nothing cold) or some tea. Then I eat a light meal. 

But there were a few times when it was not accepted and right away He brought to my memory when I faltered. I had to repent and ask if there was room for negotiating another chance. Join me in my next blog as I look at the question How often do we fast? 

I pray you have the answer to your prayer and walk closer with God in Jesus name.

If you have not asked Jesus to be Lord over your life you can pray the following prayer and attend a full gospel church near you:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you Father.

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