Sunday, August 8, 2021


    The Book of Revelations is focused on this seven year period. Together with the Book of Daniel it is called the Apocalyptic Literature. This comes from the Grx ἀποκάλυψις (apokalypsis) given in Revelation 1:1. Two words are put together apo means ‘away from’ and kalypsis means a hiding or a veiling. We commonly call it, the revelation. 

graphic image of a burning street and buildings in black and white. The flames in red. A man bowled over covering his face with his hands in despair in the foreground

There are key areas of the seven year period that I will be looking at in the upcoming blogs. :

  • The Great Tribulation
  • The believers
  • The Witnesses
  • Mark of the Beast
  • The Horsemen
  • Armageddon
  • Second Coming


This Great Tribulation is a set of events that is God's judgement on the satanic hosts of heaven and the wicked people on the earth, and it is a time to prepare the people of Israel to receive the Messiah. This is their second chance. It is to purge out the carnal mind in them. The events will spread over seven years. 

All other tribulations that Israel experiences or Jews experience will not compare to this time. It will be the worst ever. But it is not intended for the church 1 Thessalonians 5:9. John the Baptist said to flee from the wrath to come. The wrath can be escaped. The wrath is the Great Tribulation. 

chart by Behold Israel showing what happens from the pre-tribulation war to the final judgement. it is in order of occurrence

To be delivered, Israel will have to accept the Messiah is Jesus to have their names in the Book of Life, Daniel 12:1. Daniel did not know this before. On a side note, Michael is the angel watching over Israel.

At this point in time, we are told to pray and declare specific things about this coming period. When I look at Ezekiel 38 and Matthew 24 I see this. Pray now for that time. Prophecy or declare against the regimes that will form part of the new order, who will wage war against Israel and later against the believers. 

After the pre-tribulation war and the rapture a treaty will be signed. In this treaty, Israel will be offered the rebuilding of the Temple. This is the biggest desire in Israel. Even though God protects Israel and they see His supernatural power protecting them, they will put their trust in a man. They will desire peace and they will want the Temple to be re-built. 

They have not been able to sacrifice since Emperor Hadrian burnt the Temple and exiled them 2,000 years ago. This is prophecy coming true. Already the snail for the dye of the priest's clothing, the red heifer and the teaching and training of the priests have begun in preparation.

Those left behind should recognise the period and start witnessing and preparing. If they did not know before they should try to understand as much as they could by searching the Bible. They can depend on God's chosen 144,000 and the Two Witnesses to help them understand put it into context. As a witness to others speak out. 

If you are here during this time, there are lots to do:

  • Ask God to forgive you and pray for His guidance, protection and discernment
  • If you can get a printed Bible use that
  • Help others if you can
  • Don't allow anyone to cause you to sin or deny Christ
  • Witness for God, speak the word of God, speak truth 
  • Prepare a way to disappear no later than 1259 days after the treaty is signed. Try to do this by 1200 days.
  • Understand that you will have to loose your life for Jesus or face eternity in hell

The tribulation is the Day of the Lord. To understand the end of time try to keep it simple. There are other names used for the 7 year period:

  • the Great Tribulation is what happens on the earth
  • wrath of God on the wicked
  • hour of trouble for the saints during the 7 years
  • Jacob's trouble for Israel as it is the final week of God's wrath, 

There is some confusion of The Day of Christ in 2 Thessalonians 2:2 and the Day of The Lord 2 Thessalonians 5:2, Isaiah 24:21-22W. The Day of Christ is the day Jesus returns to earth. When the day of The Lord is mentioned, it is the judgement of God on this world. He deals with three things:

chart by Behold Israel of the references of Joel to the great tribulation

  • satan and his demons, Isaiah 27:1
  • the nations, Joel 3:1-2
  • Israel, Hosiah 5:15

The Great Tribulation was also referenced by prophet Joel. It was not only in the New Testament. 

During the Great Tribulation, many things will happen. Do not trust anything. The world as you know it will change. Here is how the changes will occur but in no specific order:

  • People will be told Jesus is here, do not go. 
  • They will be told to be part of the new religion or the new order. Run from it. 
  • Evil will be all around
  • Laws will be changed
  • Good will be called evil and evil good
  • Supernatural abilities will be seen
  • Someone will be fatally wounded and come back healed
  • One man will be seen as the peacemaker and the answer to all the problems
  • A man of religion will support this peacemaker as the answer
  • Everything will appear to go good at first
  • Disease will increase, many will die
  • The water will change
  • You will be told to deny Christ
  • Bibles will change
  • Major religions will change, Jesus will no longer be called the Messiah
  • You will hear a lot about tolerance
  • There will be an international body with one head to control all the nations 
  • There will be new leadership
  • Everything will be digitised

Many people are curious and want to understand everything. But that is a distraction. Do not focus on the sensationalism of prophecy. Instead practise to witness for God. Your life in eternity depends on it. Don't wait. People must be able to see that you are a Christian by the gifts of the spirit in you. They must hear you speak of God and testify of His Son Jesus in your life.

I pray you have opportunity to witness for Jesus. I pray you are raptured and your loved ones saved from the wrath of God in Jesus name.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.  

Thank you Behold Israel

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