Saturday, July 10, 2021


Image of a red brick wall
Sometimes we are so used to a situation that we accept it. We forget that we have the power of God in us. I had a conversation with someone, lets call her Ayana. Ayana was mature and knew The Lord for many years.  While speaking to Ayana I felt like I hit a stonewall. She was saying the things that I would expect a young rebellious person to say; 

I am going to enjoy my life, 

God is not the way we preach about Him, 

God would want me to live and enjoy my life.

It should have been easy for me an ex-sunday school teacher to handle. But I could not get over the feeling I had during the conversation. The devil was speaking boldly to me through my friend. 

He was daring me to say something about it. Calling me out to do something. And I felt choked. But I recognised that Ayana had allowed the cares of the world to replace Jesus the King in her heart. I knew that it was like the parable of the sower;

and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. Mark 4:19

I reached out to my friend Zee. I explained how I felt when I spoke to Ayana. Zee is married and has been serving God for many years in active ministry. She told me that she felt the same way when she spoke to someone in particular. Her advice was to deal with it directly;

  • Recognise it was the demonic spirit speaking through the person. Not the person speaking.
  • Tell it to get out in Jesus name, Out, in Jesus name

two men of Asian descent are wrestling outdoors and mountains are behind themYou would be surprised how calmly the person accepts the command and the conversation comes back to normal. It is not strange to hear a Christian say, I rebuke that in Jesus name. Even in normal conversation. Deliver the person you are speaking to by simply working it into the conversation.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12

I pray that you have opportunity and strength to exercise the power of God in you. I pray that your relationship with God is an adventure of discovery of Him in Jesus name.

If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour you may say this prayer;

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be, in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.


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