Dear Friends, Family and Readers,
- there will be a problem of leadership
- things you know to be true will be questioned, it is called alternative facts
- a lot of people will die or go missing
- there will be a need for order in every nation
- the presence of confusion and evil will be in the atmosphere
- religion will be blamed for the confusion in one way or the next
- a new way or new religion will cause Islam, Christianity and Judaism to change
- there will be talk about Jerusalem and the building of the Temple
- Do not commit suicide
- Do not deny Jesus
- Do not deny the truth
- Do not curse God, his people or the Jews or Israel
- You will be asked to take a mark on you. You must not
- Do not be guilty of the things the church is judged for in Revelations 1-3
- Accept Jesus as the Saviour over your life
- Forgive self and forgive others
- If you can talk to someone about Jesus, talk to them
- Pray all the time and follow what God is saying or what the Bible says, do not worry about the Sabath
- Try to get a physical Bible, read Revelations, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, Matthew 24, Ezekiel 38-end,
- Use this time to make a plan of survival to live of the grid
- You may be called upon to tell the truth or say something is evil or wrong
- Go brave, fear no one but God
A Treaty will be signed. Start checking 1260 days. Mark that date. This peace treaty will last for 7 years. Do not be fooled. By the third year things will start to get strange again. Someone will say he is god on the 1260th day. This is the one we call the anti-christ. When that happens make sure to drop what you are doing and run in the opposite direction.
If you followed my instructions you will by God's grace have a plan to survive. Things will get brutal but congratulations you are half way through. At the point of death you keep Christ.
I am sorry but that is all that I know. It may not happen exactly as I say but it will happen. It is better to accept Jesus before all of these things. But if you did not there is always hope in Jesus. Try really hard not to hate.
For God so loved the world He gave His only Son so that none should perish but live in eternity with Him. Jesus took our sins on the cross. God accepted His sacrifice. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life.
With this letter is my prayer that any reader will make it to God's loving arms. I hope you are ready to say this prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father,I ask you to forgive my sins in knowledge or ignorance. Please forgive me. I accept Jesus as my Saviour. I ask that Jesus comes into my life as I live to be a witness for Him. Please change my life and make me into the person you want me to be. Guide me in these times so I can be used by you to help others in Jesus name I pray. Thank you.
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